Marie King

Marie king

Gym manager / coach

Marie is originally from Lexington, KY. She has lived in Richmond, KY since the age of 17 when she began attending college at Eastern Kentucky University. She has been married to her husband, Tyler, since 2007 and they have four children. She holds a Master of Education degree and was an elementary teacher for 15 years. 

Marie has enjoyed fitness and being active most of her life. As a child and teen she was a competitive gymnast and cheerleader. After high school she began running and completed two half-marathons. During the years that she was pregnant with and mothering her first two young children, her fitness activity came completely to a halt. When her second child was six months old she joined a local gym and, while she enjoyed it for several years, she felt like something was missing. She tried CrossFit for the first time at CrossFit Cygnus in December 2020 and was immediately hooked!

Marie earned her CF-L1 in September 2022, began coaching in June 2023, and took on the role of Gym Manager in May 2024. She is a busy working wife and mama who lives with chronic autoimmune health conditions and has also recovered through several past injuries. She fully believes in the methodology of CrossFit and has personally experienced and seen that CrossFit is for absolutely everyone! Her favorite part of CrossFit has always been the amazing family-like community at CrossFit Cygnus. She loves helping others make fitness and health a priority in their lives and seeing their progress and growth as they reach their personal goals.

Certifications:  CF-L1

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